December 03, 2002
7:19 PM

The news is out

I hung out with Chris again. Nothing too new. He's still broke, I still paid for dinner, and his wife claims that nobody can afford to buy presents so once again she's trying to craft a creative work-around for the Solstace. But he did tell Nancy about Gloria. For one thing, that relieved me the responsibility of having to do so.

As Chris bluntly put it: Gloria was somebody with whom he cheated on his wife. Even though Chris and Nancy were swingers and all, the fact of the matter was that Chris and Gloria were having disapperances and affairs without Nancy's consent. But I know it's quite a blow to say the least, when you find out 5 years later that your best friend is now dating that woman.

Nancy didn't have a heart attack over the news. Like Chris, the strongest reaction was one of "damn, it's a SMALL, small world". But then I talked with her about it. She assured me what I already knew: that she wouldn't let this affect her own friendship with me. She just "wouldn't want to double-date or anything."


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