March 20, 2002
10:52 PM


"A true misogynist is a straight man who -- because he is a potential pushover for women and realizes it -- resents the power a truly feminine woman wields, secretly admires the power, and seeks to capture it before it captures him." - ASL

That was a bit of my mysogyny creeping in again, when I said "Well, *I* liked the scent...". When I'm near rather attractive women, I just can't resist the urge to act completely uninterested, if not rude at times. The idea of rejecting somebody like that gives me an incredible sadistic thrill. I'm not one those male feminists who's trying to deny sexual feelings for the sake of appearing humble, obviously. It's like I'm bursting that bubble of comfort, the world where they're used to men always bowing before them and thus being in control over them. For all the times I and other men have been rejected or dealt with snobby turned-up noses upon literally asking for the time of day, or just making eye contact back in engineering school...the opportunities with open women would now be my chance to pull the self-righteous rug out from all women. "Don't fucking flatter yourself, you cunt."

Maybe I'm just fueling the problem, on some scale. Maybe I'm just creating more man-hating bitches of the world. Maybe I'm just becoming another one of those assholes that women complain all men are.

But damn, what a rush for that anticipation.

I even used to dream of being on that Mtv show Singled Out, just so that when Jenny McCarthy introduces me as one of the finallists and tries to grab my arm and push me around, I'd push her back and yell "Get the fuck off of me, you freak!" Similarly, I absolutely love that ending to the movie Dumb & Dumber with the tanning lotion bus.

Yeah, being more flirtatious is not something that I'll be able to change overnight.

And the stranger thing is, I think I'll end up giving the bunny to one of my best friends, who's a very archtypically feminine, beautiful woman. She'll really like the pink.


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