January 20, 2005
9:14 PM

Posts about the Passionless

In past entries, I've mentioned that I don't use the word "cheesy". It's not part of my vocabulary. I've always found it to be an extremely vague word that people (especially Gen-X) throws around to describe anything they don't like, or more specifically has been deemed dated or uncool by the status quo.

When I read this post, made on a public forum, I thought of those people who use this word too much. And as I listen to the band Asia in my headphones, I think of all the people who's complete reaction to the music is laughter. How programmed the herd can be! Anyway, I like what this guy had to say:


People seem to be generally dismissive of everything these days, I find. Apathy and dissociation are "cool". Many people, especially young people I've noticed, seem afraid to associate themselves with anything for fear of being mocked in the same way that they mock others. It's "cool" to make fun of everything and everyone. It's "uncool" to take anything seriously, to be passionate about anything that isn't safe pop culture kitsch. It's more acceptable to collect Tiffany records or to be obsessed with some 1970s television show -- because they are "so bad that they're good" -- than it is to demonstrate a sincere interest in something that you TRULY feel to be worthwhile.
My questions for them are:

"What actually interests you?"
"What do you identify with?"
"What is important to you?"
"What are you passionate about?"
"What do you take seriously?"

I think many of them would be hard pressed to answer. They hide behind vapid post-modern irony; all of their pleasures are "guilty pleasures".

The cd I'm listening to right now has a song begins with the lyric: "People who hide are afriad."

These people are empty. They are dead inside and they care about nothing.

They may imagine themselves outsiders, but in truth they are just part of another herd minded social group whose members fear being singled out.

They are afraid.


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