June 03, 2004
11:06 PM

Parodies of Parodies = uncreative

Let's get one thing straight: there's virtually nothing funny or creative about parodies-of-parodies. Here are a few examples to show you what I mean.

Intel designed a logo that said "Intel Inside - Pentium Processor", with the "Intel Inside" surrounded by a hand-painted circle. As a light-hearted parody of this, somebody created t-shirts and stickers that said "Evil Inside - Pentagram Processor" or simply "Evil Inside". Unless you were a prude, it probably gave you a grin the first time you saw those stickers.

But THEN, some Xtian zombie decided to print up stickers that said "Jesus Inside". What the hell is that about? Talk about a fucking lame attempt at a joke! Now even putting aside the dispicable act of self-righteousness here, c'mon! "Jesus" doesn't even sound anything like "Intel"!! Now maybe if they had "Angel Inside - Pentateuch Processor", that would have been a little more creative, and would have sounded more like a parody of the original rather than a parody of the "Evil Inside" parody.

I was recently checking out one of my favorite diaries here, Girls-Suck. Well, one reader said that the site inspired her to make her own male-bashing blog (and I'm not going to give them a free advertisement by explicitly mentioning their name here).

A male-bashing blog on diaryland.com? Gee, how original! As if there aren't thousands of them on Diaryland.com already, where the women are by far and large in the majority here to begin with. Whine all you want about Girls-suck.diaryland.com -- at least they have some originality (they also get tons of complements from other women, but I digress). If women (or other men for that matter) want to set up a blog and bitch about men, I say go ahead and vent! Venting is good! Just don't kid yourself into thinking you're setting up something special. Male-bashing sites on any on-line diary system are a dime-a-dozen.

And say, while I'm on a bit of a misogynist rant here, I saw a "Mr. Wonderful" doll in Walgreens a few months ago. It's basically a talking doll that repeats phrases that would come from the stereotypically perfect man. For example:

"The ball game isn't really that important, I'd rather spend time with you."

"You know, I think it's really important that we talk about our relationship."

"Let's just cuddle tonight, smoochiepoo."

"Can't your mother stay another week?"

Gloria was with me at the time, and after hearing some of these phrases she was about to puke. Seems that Mr. Right isn't so universal.

"So if that's the myth of what [men] want, what's the reality? Well, first put that Cosmo article down right now and back slowly away from the magazine. Now go to the window and take a deep breath. You must clear your head of bullshit articles like 'How to Trick Your Man into Cooking Tex-Mex'. TRICK me? How about ASKING me?" - Dennis Miller


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