April 18, 2003
12:48 AM

That Word That Rhymes with 'Hunt', part 2

Within an hour or two of my last entry, I made two significant contacts. One was to the tech guy I know at work, to report a case of software piracy. I showed him where the cracked license key-generating program was on the network. He reported it to the head of IT and the head of QA, keeping me anonymous. Afterwards, Kole makes her rounds up and down cubicle boulevard. "Do you have [software name] on your machine?" I turned to her, my mouth still a little full of the express lunch I had to bring back to my cube (what can I say, I spent most of the lunch hour writing the last diary enty). I smiled. "No, I removed that from my machine months ago. I don't like having illegal software on my machine." She continued, "Well, we need to remove it now..." "Did you remove YOURS?" "Yes, there's no sign of it on my machine NOW." She tried to walk away. There was no hiding my angry smile at this point. "You know, you're lucky you didn't get in trouble over that." "Yes, it seems like a lot of people are getting second chances. But THAT will change." And she whisked away. LITTLE FUCKING BITCH! I was ready to pick up my monitor and hurl it down the hallway at her. Oh yeah, I'M the fucking bad guy for putting in 10 hours a day that doesn't start at 9 AM, not her, the one who distributed illegal copies of a $6000/user piece of software. And she has the fucking nerve?!? To say that, and to think that MY actions are the ones that make the department look bad.

Oh, yes, and that second significant contact I made. I called up the ol' recruiting agency and got in touch with somebody. He of course told me what everybody knows: there aren't a lot of job openings out there. I don't care, it's certainly worth a shot. I've never been so motivated in my life to update a resume. I want out of this fucking kindergarten class of a job. Granted my last job was swalled by a big name and turned corporate, to the point where it got so dreadfully boring I had to quit. But at least people knew their shit there, and my manager didn't throw book reports and team morale charter bullshit at us.

Here's a post I saw on a forum I go to. And the response I typed out, but didn't post.

>My question is, if for this one day you were given full legal
>permission and support to crucify one person alive in this
>world at the moment, who would it be and why?

Right now? If it was any other week but this one, I'd have a more constructive answer.

But for the last 36 hours, all I've been able to think about is crucifying my manager. Because she's really, REALLY pissing me off. She's unprofessional, wrongfully got away with distributing a cracked license-key generator for a $6000/user piece of database software, tried throwing that last act in my face (long story), is incompetant (she won't put in the effort to learn anything technical; that's why she insisted on that special software while refusing co-workers painstaking help for alternatives), has a flat-out stupidity that's lead to some of our privileges being taken away (let me just say, I'm still amazed she hasn't been fired by now), and above all runs the department like an attention-starved kindergarten teacher.

She is a brainless, tactless, irrational, sanity-raping, homely, self-loathing, unprofessional cunt (and I rarely use that four-letter noun in any context) with no known life outside of work, and serves no purpose other than annoying everybody through the whole company. I have never had a problem anywhere remotely near this level, with any other person at any job in my entire life. This is consuming me so much that I may just break out the black candles, though on the upside she very well get busted for that software pirating tomorrow. Needless to say, I'm also writing my resume.


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