March 18, 2003
11:29 AM

If you don't like it, you can bleau me.

March 17th was quite an interesting day to be both French and Irish. Obviously for starters, it was St. Patrick's Day. I do wonder how out of all the other ethnicities, the Irish-Americans managed to get a holiday. But let me state for the record that I am Irish (75%), live in New England, am even a member of a fraternity, and yet I do NOT own a white baseball cap. (And if that needs to be explained to you, just walk into any Irish pub in the Boston area with an under-30 crowd).

Now for that other 25% which manages to reflect itself in my last name: French. A friend of mine sent me this link. Three out of five people say yes, they will boycott French products.

Huh? Where the hell did this shit come from? Apparently, the far majority of France thinks this war is a bad idea. And so americans now want to ban products from France. Places supposedly want to start serving "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast". More proof that americans have lost their fucking mind. Yeah, they're going to ban Perrier and Dannon Yogurt, but still buy gasoline from companies who get oil from the middle east. Besides, plenty of AMERICANS think this war is a bad idea. Right now I'm sure there are plenty of people in France wondering "Why the hell did we give them the Statue of Liberty?"

You know, in a strange rebellious kind of way, I've never felt more proud to be French. In complete honesty here, I've always identified more with that ethnicity than the whole Guiness-drinking Irish thing. But this same kind of language-changing thing happened around WWI with German terms. Frankfurts became "hot dogs". And in mathematics, "eigen values" became "characteristic values".

Hey readers: feel free to copy the following text and forward it to your friends.

Now that clueless and paranoid americans will be changing "French Fries" and "French Toast" to "Freedom Fries" and "Freedom Toast", here are ten other phrases we might hear in the near future:

- Freedom Bread
- Freedom-Vanilla Ice Cream
- Freedom's yellow mustard
- Freedom Braids for the hair
- "And for your salad, would you like Ranch, Italian, or Freedom?"
- On TV tonight, a rerun of "Family Affair", starring Sebastian Cabot as Mr. Freedom
- Also on TV, Gene Hackman in the 1970s classic "The Freedom Connection"
- Freedom kissing
- "4 calling birds, 3 freedom hens, 2 turtle doves..."
- Our northern neighbors, the Freedom-Canadians


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