March 13, 2003
8:17 PM

Did we go to high school together?

I'm usually quick to report spam I find in my Yahoo inbox. But sometimes I have to take a second look, because what appears to be bulk-forwarded advertisements are in fact things that I signed up for, and just forgot about. "Oh, wait a minute. I do remember registering with '' and 'Cool Quizes'. So I guess this isn't spam after all."

So this particular email's "From:" address included the name of my high school. It must be one of those alumni mailing lists I'm on. "Ian Bregg has added you to his 'friend' list!" Huh? What was this all about? I followed the link to the site. I'm only one of about 25 people from my class who bothered to make a profile on the alumni site with my information. And apparently, you can select certain alumni as "friends", which I guess just means that you get an email any time that person updates their profile.

Now who the hell was this guy? I had to refer to my yearbook. Oh. THAT guy. I thought he was kind of an annoying guy. But looking on the list of the other registered alumni, I don't think anybody else that he hung out with was listed.

I'm sure the 10 year reuninion, coming up this summer, will be interesting. I'm sure I'll see more people there than I saw at the 5 year reunion. At the "5", quite I few people that I remembered did not show up. That was good in one particuarly great way: none of the dickheads showed up.

"You just wish somebody could have grabbed them and gone 'Dude, high school's NOT the end'. Just move out're done. It's amazing how fast you lose touch with all those people. [...] They just beat it in your head as early as 6th grade, 'Don't fuck up; Whatever I am now, I'm that forever.' And of course it's the complete opposite -- all the dorks in highschool go on to do great things, and all the really cool guys are all like, living back in Littleton as insurance agents." - Matt Stone, Bowling for Columbine


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