December 24, 2002
6:07 PM

Xmas Eve Stuff

I finally got around to adding a banner. I'm sure getting more page views will inevitably bring in a few flames from the self-righteous fringe. Heh, and people have asked me why I don't have a guest book!

Craig rented some horror movies last night and invited me over. We watched all 3 right in a row, and they were all incredible: eXistenZ, Hellraiser VI: Hellseeker, and Dagon.

Dagon had some scenes with a mermaid, and that got me thinking about the "merman" statue (yes, that's a male version of a mermaid) I have on my altar. I bought that little statue this past summer in Rockport. It's a clay-like sculpture of a long-haired merman sitting on a rock and playing an instrument resembling a guitar. As I was watching the movie, I suddenly remembred that the "guitar" in the statue had a triangular body. Not unlike a balalaika (see my previous diary entry). Weird!

Now I'm off to my parents' house for the usual Xmas thing. And as I think I mentioned, this also marks my "new" song ideas being a year old. But now it's time to piece things together. And I think it's starting to come along. That's my New Year's resolution: to finish making that damn CD.


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