August 20, 2002
2:42 PM

Paper Spider

A couple of nights ago I dreamed about a spider made of wrapping paper. It was about 8 inches long, and 4 inches tall. All of its body parts were made of pieces of light blue wrapping paper, including the abdomen, which wasn't a crumpled up ball but actually had a smooth surface. It was on top of some kind of white book shelf or cabinet and walked around to the side, sticking to it as a spider naturally would. I tried to brush it off with something, but it quickly jumped on to me and ran to the lower middle of my chest. Then it immediately bit me, sticking its paper fangs at least a 1/2 inch through my skin. I grabbed and threw the spider off my body but the fangs ripped off the spider and stayed in my chest. There really wasn't any pain, oddly enough. I woke up.

By the next afternoon I noticed I had two really itchy spots side by side above my ankle. I don't know for sure if they are mosquito bites, but they certainly look like some kind of bug bite. I found some similar small itchy spots in a few other places.

Oh, and in other news I FINALLY got around to seeing The Rocky Horror Picture Show in the theatre. I've owned the movie at home for years, but never saw it in its full floor show glory. Besides myself, one guy in the row in front of me seemed to know all the standard dialogue responses. Like the regulars near the back row, I added a few of my own personal responses which some people seemed to really like. And I heard a few that I hadn't heard before. Great time.


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