July 11, 2002
11:17 AM

Another damn questionaire

>1. What is your name?

Trapezoid (for purposes of this diaryland.com entry)

>2. What colour pants are you wearing right now?

I'm wearing shorts. They're black.

>3. What are you listening to right now?

The sound of the keyboard as I type. But in the car this morning I was listening to Black Sabbath's "TYR" CD. Before that I was playing an 80s compilation CD, particularly the song "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol.

>4. What are the last four digits of your phone number, mobile or home?

1683. I was hoping to not get any 1s or 0s in my number, so that it would spell something out. Though my extension at work is "BUSY", amusingly enough.

>5. What was the last thing you ate?

Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

>6. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

[***edited out***]

>7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon?

Maybe a creepy part of Europe. Just not the tropics.

>8. How is the weather right now?

A little colder than I had expected.

>9. Last person you talked to on the phone?

Nat, the lady I've been dating for a few months now.

>10.What's the first thing you notice about the

>opposite sex?

How self-delusional and pretentious so many of them are. (Those who get angry at that statement, not knowing the difference between the words "so many" and "all", only further prove my point.)

>Do you like the person that send you this?

Who "send" me this? Yes, I like the person who SENT this to me.

>12.How are you today?

A little dazed from rushing in here late to a long-ass meeting.

>13.Your favourite drink?

Cinnabon's frapuccino, vanilla soy milk, cappuccino, virgin pina collada

>14. Your favourite alcoholic drink?

I don't drink

>15.How do you eat an Oero?

Within distance of gum or my toothbrush. Because damn, those things stick to your molars.

>16.Favourite sport to watch?

Until they bring Circus Maximus back, I won't watch any.

>17.What's the next CD you're going to get?

I just ordered the limited edition of the upcoming album from the Residents, "Demons Dance Alone". I also ordered two CDs of bands that feature Tony Martin (see answer #3) on vocals. I should get one of these CDs in the mail soon.

>18.Hair colour?

Black. Some might argue that it's really very, very, very dark brown, but whatever.

>19.Eye Colour?

Brown. Some might argue that they're black, but that's just the pupil part.

>20.Do you wear contacts?

Yes, but not on a daily basis.

>21.Favourite month?

Over the last couple of years, my Novembers have been a blast.

>22.Favourite food?

Pineapple, yogurt, prime rib, mollusks (clams, calamari, snails)

>23.Last movie you watched?

"The Great Outdoors" with John Candy and Dan Akroyd

>24.Favourite day of the year?

My birthday, or at least the closest weekend to it.

>25.Are you shy to ask someone out?

No, just disillusioned.

>26.Do you like scary or happy movies better?

"Happy movies"? If that means sickeningly wholesome movies, then it doesn't sound too different than "scary".

>27.Hugs or Kisses?

Kisses. C'mon, we're grown-ups now. It's OK.

>28.Relationship or one night stands?

At the moment, I'm happy with my current polyogamous relationship.

>29.Chocolate or vanilla?

Hmm, I'll go with vanilla.

>30.Do you want your friends to write back?

Sure. Not that I'll be crushed if they don't.

>31.Who is most likely to respond?

Beats me

>32.Living arrangement?

I'm in the process of moving to a new apartment with no roommates. Most of it's done, though.

>33.Book you are reading now?

My books are finally unpacked and arranged at my new place. See question #32.

>34.Favourite board games?

Pictionary. Or Cranium.

>35.Favourite magazine(s)?

Mad, Bass Player

>36.Favourite smells?

clothing that's been around clove cigarette smoke, prime rib

>37.Least favourite smells?

Pickles, bologna, vommit

>38.Favourite sound?

A perfectly executed guitar solo

>39.Best feeling in the world?


>40.What is the first thing you think of when you are


"What happened to the...oh wait, that was just a dream."

>41.Favourite colour(s)?

Black, army green

>42.How many rings before you answer the phone?

I've always tried to go < 3

>43.Future child's name?

Ask me that question after I get a vasectomy

>44.What is most important in life?

Self-preservation & self-gratification, in their many forms

>45.Favourite flower?

King Biscuit Flower Hour

>46.Favourite dress code?

Something that shows a sign of effort and isn't androgynous

>47.Do you like to drive fast?

So long as I can get away with it, yeah

>48.Do you sleep with stuffed animal?

Occasionally. Much easier to take care of than live animals.


Do I sleep with storms? Uh, no.

>50.What type was/will be your first car?

1990 Jeep Cherokee

>51.If you could meet one person dead or alive, who

>will it be?

Screamin' Jay Hawkins (1929-2000)

>52.Date of birth?

(7 + 30^2) x 25

>53.Your Zodiac Sign?

The two fishies

>54.Do you eat the stems of Broccoli?

Yes. Why does this question come up in every mass-forwarded personal questionaire?

>55.You have patience?

How many more $%@##'n questions are you going to ask me ?!?

>56.What kind of people do you Dislike?

I'll try to keep this list as short as I can. Truly stupid people, proselytizers, the pretentious, compulsive chatterboxes, sulkers and whiners (not to be confused with humorous cynics), dorks who watch sitcoms all night and tell creative people "you must have too much time on your hands", drivers who don't use their turn signal, macho men in white baseball caps who mistake masochism for masculinity (usually closetted homosexuals), spiteful male-bashing women who mistake androgyny for feminism (usually closetted heterosexuals), and finally: anybody who mistakenly took offense to those last two categories solely because they lift weights or wear Birkenstocks.

>57.Have u ever like someone in ur class or school b4?

"u"? "ur"? "b4"? Did Prince write this questionaire?

>58.How many bf/gf do u have b4?

A quick count gives 10. That's not including people I was "dating", one night stands, strictly sexual partners, etc.

>59.What do u like most?

Getting to the end of a long questionaire.


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