April 12, 2002
11:21 AM

Fun with Census Numbers

Now that the diaryland.com server is back up, let's do some math.

The U.S. Census Bureau took a census in 2000. Let's assume the numbers are close enough to what they ware now in 2002.

It was estimated estimated that the Massachusetts population for the year 2000 was 6,357,072.

3,290,281 of these Massachusetts citizens are female.

The same report shows that 426,171 are in their 20s, and 412,132 of the Massachusetts men are in their 20s.

Assume 1 in 10 people are gay. This means 90% of folks are not. (I'm further assuming, solely for the sake of this statistical analysis, that the 90% includes bisexuals). So 90% of those last two numbers gives 383,554 women and 370,919 men.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Cervices reports via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that 26% of human adults are obese. Let's assume that this percentage is well distributed enough over all 50 states, all adult ages, and both sexes. Applying this to the last two numbers, there should be 283,830 trim women and 274,480 trim men.

When somebody is in a committment (either married or what they would consider some other form of being "taken", which wouldn't include e.g. "dating"), it is almost always monogamous: one male hooked up with one female. Assume any committed yet polyogamous numbers are rare enough to be negligable.

Finally, assume that trim men in their 20s tend to hook up with fellow trim women in their 20s who live in the same state. So hooking all of them up one-on-one would leave 283,830 - 274,480 = 9,350 females left over at any given time.


There are no less than 9,350 women in their 20s who are single, slim, live in my home state, and have no men competing for them.




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