December 14, 2006
5:12 PM

And for today's office prank...

I opted out of the "Holiday Party" today. Even though there was free food. You know what they say about "a free lunch".

I was, however, given photos of the event to post on the intranet site.

Woody, who is in his 40s but acts like he's 8*, made a silly pose for one of the photos. Turned his head to the side, opened his eyes and mouth wide, and let his tongue hang out to one side.

I used MS Paint to cut out his head from the photo, and printed a page that showed his head 6 times across the page in a 2x3 grid. He's gone for the day as he usually is at the stroke of 4:30, but I taped the print-out to his front door.

Heh heh heh. Serves him right for posing.

* - Maybe 5 years older or 5 years younger than that, actually. Daisy told me a story years back of how he bit her on the shoulder at work. She was earing some kind of tank top, felt a pain on her shoulder, and looked down to see his head. Naturally she smacked him. Others hear the story and scream "That's sexual harrassment!" My answer to that is "Sexual or not, people shouldn't be BITING co-workers!"


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