February 13, 2005
2:25 AM

The challenging Ritz recipe

I recently bought a box of Ritz crackers and on the front it said "Look on the back for great RITZ recipes!!" Now years ago they used to show the recipe for Ritz mock apple pie or similar. Not this time. At the top of the list they show a can on spray cheese. Not the actual brand "Cheese Wiz", but pretty much the same thing. It was a metal can with an extra fancy name: "Easy Cheese Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread". Keep that visual in mind as you read what follows.

Here was the first recipe, word for word. I kid you not:

Use Easy Cheese Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread to draw a star on a Ritz Cracker. Makes 1.

Granted it resembles a pentagram, but come on! This is listed as a RECIPE?!? "Put cheese on a cracker, BUT...draw a star!" This just had me laughing for a good couple of minutes. I'm a bachelor who loves his microwave, but fucking christ, is this how lazy people have become?


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