March 15, 2002
4:13 PM

Grammar Pet Peeves 1

Trapezoid's Personal Grammatical Pet Peeves

Despite going through school as a "math & science" person, I prided myself in having some better grammar skills than a lot of my classmates. And having been an internet user for about 8 1/2 years now, I still notice some things in different forums that really annoy me:

1) People...who only their one...and only...punctuation mark... (Let alone the folks that don't know to stop at three consecutive periods, and..not.....something like...........this.) I even knew one guy who used commas like,,,,,this.

2) then there is the complete opposite of that people who just type and type and dont actually use any punctuation at all except maybe one period after five lines of text and with no commas or any breaks at all it makes it annoying to try to catch what theyre saying especially when they insert a question like hey whats the name of that band right in the middle of text with no question marks or anything.

3) No paragraphs. Trust me, you'll have a lot more people reading your posts if you put some breaks in there. Otherwise, many will just glaze over it.

4) Misuse and abuse of the word "ironic". It is not a synonym for "coincidental", and does not make you look hip if you misuse it. Irony is when an event has an outcome that was completely opposite to what was expected. If a diabetic is crossing the street and is run over by a truck containing sugar, that is not ironic. That's an amusing accident. However, if a diabetic is crossing the street and gets run over and killed by a truck containing insulin, then THAT is ironic. The only ironic part of Alanis Morisette's song "Ironic" is that it contains no examples of irony, just having a bad day. For that matter, using an obscure word in hopes of appearing intelligent, but sounding stupid because you've completely misused it, is rather ironic.

5) PEOPLE WHO TYPE IN ALL-CAPS, ALL THE TIME. My dear netizens, this is the equivalent of SHOUTING. If you're that damn lazy to learn how your Shift and Caps Lock keys work, become one of those "no caps" typers. They even have their own diaryring here, "nocaps".

6) "i.e." does not mean "for example". It stands for the latin "id est", meaning "that is". "e.g." means "for example".

7) Some quick spelling tips: "Hay" is for horses. "Hey" is used for "hey, dude". And you're currently looking at a web site, not a web "sight". They're = they are, there = a location, their = plural possessive. E.g., "They're standing over there, grabbing their genitals."

8) Than their are the ones who spel everey othor wurd rong. And yes, the majority of them are actually native english speakers.

9) Kewt misspellingz 4 u 2 read & L@@K at, u no? Where did this come from? Is Prince teaching english classes somewhere?


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