April 22, 2003
6:25 PM

Books, Competitors, n' Stuff

Typical weeknight. It's 6:40 and I'm still here at work. Aside from the janitors, I'm one of the few who's around. And what is that janitor doing, anyway? He's been stopping to read some kind of magazine every night in the "war room" set of 4 cubes behind me. Does somebody throw out a certain magazine every day? Weird.

I used the browser, on my company-owned computer here, to do a quick look for job opportunities. Hmm. There's a QA position open right in this town. Doing QA for something medical related. Sounds like a competitor. Boy, that would be fun. Not so much the job itself (because hey, who knows), but just the idea of giving 2 weeks notice to say I'm going work for a competitor, and most likely for a little more money. I wonder what our policy for leaving is anyway. 2 week notice? Molly & the others didn't seem to have any problems with forever disappearing on the very day she was laid off.

One thing I love to do is working on some curious math problem or music theory study. I can get so absorbed working on things like this for hours. I sure wish there was a job out there that paid me to do stuff like that. Who knows, maybe their is. But I started taking up a project I worked on when I was about 17: a book on musical scales. There are tons of scale books on the market, but because I learned about scales on my own in a strange way, I had a different way of looking at them. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but I never carried it through to completion.

I don't think I'd want to continue with that same idea now, though. Looking back, I don't think it would make such a great book. I know I can make something better, that's still something nobody (as far as I know) has really done. So that's what I've been working on over the last couple of nights. If I do this right, it's going to be the most complete book ever written on the subject, and either considered "the" encyclopedia or the most boring music book ever made. In any case, there is a place for it.


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